Brazilian Pollinators Initiative

Talks - São Paulo Declaration on Pollinators Plus 5 Forum

- Alves dos Santos I - Solitary bees for crop pollination in Brazil - presentation (8Mb)

- Biesmeijer J - Social bees and flowers in Brazil: a metanalysis - presentation (150Kb)

- Dias BFS - International Pollinators Initiative and Brazilian Pollinators Initiative - presentation (34Kb)

- Cane J - Resampling to detect change in local bee assemblages: limitations and some insights gained from regional abundance patterns - presentation (1.9Mb)

- Collette L - Conservation and Management of Pollinators for sustainable Agriculture through an Ecosystem Approach - presentation (12Kb)

- Freitas BM - Identifying crop pollinators: plant pollination requirement vs pollinators effectiveness - presentation (9.7Mb)

- Griswold T - Progress and challenges in bee diversity assessments - presentation (13Mb)

- Jong D - The impact of diseases, pests and pesticides on pollinators in Brazil - presentation (2.7Mb)

- Kevan P & Viana BF - Costs and benefits of managing pollinators: lessons learned - presentation (20Kb)

- Partap U - The Southeast Asian Pollinators program - presentation (12Mb)

- Pinheiro Machado C - Native Bees in Natural Areas: Free Pollinators for Crops? - presentation (9.9Mb)

- Potts S - European Pollinators Initiative - presentation (2.9Mb)

- Ramalho FS - Cotton Pollination in Brazil - presentation (6Mb)

- Ruggiero M - North American Pollinators Initiative - presentation (7.5Mb)

- Schlindwein C et al - A quantitative approach to assess specialized plant-pollinator systems - presentation (14Mb)

- Venturieri GC - Stingless bees rearing and use as important pollinators - presentation (19Mb)

- Wittmann D. et al - Challenges to the use and conservation of pollinators in Kenya, Jordan and Germany - presentation (26Mb)