Map of the geographical distribution of the Jandaira bee

The Jandaira (Melipona subnitida) is naturally found in the 'areas called "sertão"(semi-arid zone located in the interior of the northeast of Brazil). The geographical limit for this species is near 11º S (north-center of the State of Bahia) and close to 40°W (Chapada do Araripe). Some of the places most known to posses this bee are: Fortaleza, Cascavel, Maranguape and Baturité in the State of Ceará; Mossoró, Areia Branca, Caicó, Currais Novos, Jardim do Seridó and Parelhas in Rio Grande do Norte; Araripina and areas of the Chapada do Araripe in thje State of Pernambuco (limiting with the State of Ceará); Rodelas, Paulo Afonso, Glória, Miguel-Calmon and several places in the Raso da Catarina in Bahia.

Figure 1. Geographical distribution of Jandaira