Leafcutter and Mason Bees:
a Biological Catalogue of the Genus Megachile of the Neotropics

Anthony Raw


New World bees placed erroneously in Megachile

Centris analis (Fabricius)
Apis analis Fabricius 1775: 384. Type locality: South America.
Anthophora analis Fabricius 1804: 375.
Megachile ? analis Dalla Torre 1896: 419. (Not M. analis Nylander 1852: 275. New name for M. apicalis Nylander 1848: 257. Northern Europe and the Alps. (Not M. (Eutricharaea) apicalis Spinola 1808.)

Trichothurgus dubius (Sichel)
Megachile dubia Sichel 1867: 150. Type locality: Chile.
Lithurgus dubius Vachal 1904: 11.
Trichothurgus dubius Moure 1949: 271.

Trichothurgus herbsti (Friese)
Megachile herbsti Friese 1905: 138. Female. Type locality: Rancagua, Chile, December 1903 (P. Herbst).
Lithurgus muticus Herbst 1918: 176. Synonymy of Moure 1949: 274.
Trichothurgus herbsti Moure 1949: 274-277.